Success case
Risk prediction for
companies in
the banking sector
The challenge
The banking entity has tools to detect the risk of default and establish pre-approved credit limits. The model is accurate for companies where the bank has sufficient information. However, for those companies where there is limited information, the bank applies a restrictive expert criterion and only offers minimum limits, regardless of their economic solvency.
Expand the credit portfolio of healthy customers by incorporating non-affiliated clients who, although they do not have detailed financial information, have adequate economic solvency.
How have we done it?
- Machine Learning
- XGBoost
- Feature engineering
- Cost and optimization function
- Characterization of clients based on their risk of default
- Characterization of unknown clients from limited information on known clients
- Risk Scoring
The current model only allows for 250,000 pre-approved companies to apply for credit limits. The new models improve this number up to 150,000 non-affiliated companies.