Mercè Sala Award 2024

We received from the Fundació Factor Humà the:

Mercè Sala 2024 Award: Human Look, Innovation and Global Vision.

Validity of recognition

We received the award on 13/06/2024.

It has no expiry date.

What was the jury’s assessment?

Awarded ‘for breaking the mould in the technology sector, demonstrating that putting people at the centre of decisions can bring great results’, according to the Jury of the Awards.

Photographs of the handover

Maria Àngels Bosch and Manel Llopart collected the award as representatives of Basetis. The event was also attended by Marc Castells, Octavi Planells, Karolina Ostrowska, Pau Domingo, Javier Cárdaba and Jordi Echevarria.

Explanatory video

Press release

Here you can read the full press release.

Gala Streaming

From minute 59:06 you can follow the presentation of the award to Basetis: